The Fern’s Rig
The Fern’s Rig When two hurricanes collide one is bound to win… In early 2022 our friends the Fernandez family purchased a Class A motor home. They jumped and and began remodeling it to make it the home on wheels…
The Fern’s Rig When two hurricanes collide one is bound to win… In early 2022 our friends the Fernandez family purchased a Class A motor home. They jumped and and began remodeling it to make it the home on wheels…
Breadcrumbs and Confirmation as we travel Kim / Aug 2021 – Jan 2022 / testimonials Get a nudge, pray, get confirmation, go… If you’ve read the “We’re in Idaho” blog, then you’ve gotten bits and pieces of the breadcrumbs and…
Idaho – 2021 Kim / Sept – Dec, 2021 / testimonials 3 weeks and waiting on the Lord… 3 boondocking locations in Idaho and we still didn’t have clarity on what God had for us here. The sights were beautiful…
The Truck Saga Kim / Sept – Nov, 2021 / testimonials Bikes? Check! …Helmets? Check! …Gloves and Pads? Check!… Excited to celebrate Evelyn’s birthday we load up in the truck. With a turn the key and our Cummins Turbo diesel…
Where in Idaho? Kim / September 15, 2021 / testimonials Walking by faith… We find ourselves in Idaho? Back in February Tim and I had finally received confirmation from the Lord to surrender all and obey His command to go!…
Black Granite Retreat Kim / September 12, 2021 / testimonials We were camping in the Black Hills just outside of Custer, South Dakota. This area was beautiful and our campsite was in a secluded area in the woods where we…
We Were an Answer to Prayer??? Kim / August 18, 2021 / testimonials Divine appointment in Mitchell, SD… Our family was headed west, making our way towards Idaho, we decided to stop over for two nights in the middle of…
Meet Jami Kim / August 2, 2021 / testimonials When you pray, do you pray expectantly? When He answers are you shocked? Yes and Yes are my answers to these questions. I’m not necessarily shocked because I know God is…