About Us



"By God's grace and for His glory" is inscribed on our wedding bands. We strive to glorify God as we share the gospel with the lost, make disciples, encourage believers, and serve Him!


To move as He moves.
We have one piece right now... sell all and go! Our hands are wide open to what His plans are. His plans are our plans.


We are passionate about Jesus and enjoy exploring, camping, mountain biking, hiking, boating, fishing, swimming, anything outdoors!


We are in pursuit of all that He has for us to do for HIm! Learning to be still and disciplined to listen to the Holy Spirit for the next steps.

Our Story

Shift Your Gears was created in May of 2020 on our 10 year anniversary trip.  As we reflected on our last 10 years and pondered the next 10, the Lord began tugging on our hearts. Over the course of the next year He shifted our gears! Gear by gear He revealed things, lead us to release things, confirmed things, and answered prayers as we pressed into what He was calling us to. With each shift, as we walked in obedience, it got easier and easier to pedal.  Often we head up a mountain and forget to allow God to shift the gears for us.  He’s right there waiting, if we’d only give Him total control.  So, February of 2021, we gave him total control!  As we surrendered, He spoke… He led us to sell everything and move into our 30 ft. travel trailer with our 3 girls.  We are traveling the country as He leads; encouraging others in the faith and sharing the gospel with the lost.  As we travel on this journey we pray you are encouraged in the Lord… you never know how He may want to “Shift Your Gears”.


Who We Are


A devoted, godly husband and loving father, Tim works hard to lead his family in the ways of the Lord. He committed his life to Christ at a young age and recognizes his gifts and talents are from the Lord. Tim would be considered a "jack of all trades". He is creative, innovative, and determined. He gained a great deal of experience in the various jobs he's held over the years, which allowed him to grow a successful fishing charter business in Florida, 5th Day Adventures. He's an entrepreneur at heart. Tim's deepest desire is to leave a legacy for his girls, one that honors and glorifies the Lord.


A faithful wife and dedicated mother, Kim didn't fully grasp the depths of God's unfailing love until she became a mother. She committed her life to Christ in college, and He led to enter education. Kim was a classroom teacher, teacher mentor, curriculum coach, and held various leadership roles over the course of her career. Though a teacher by trade, Kim later realized it is a gift from God. She endeavors to share all that she learns and gleans from the Lord with others. Passionate about the way she lives as a believer, she desires to encourage and challenge others in their walk with the Lord. Kim genuinely has a heart for prayer and is a prayer warrior for many.


Passionate! This young lady puts her whole heart into everything she does. It was spoken over her as a baby that she would, "sing and dance before the Lord at a young age" and this has come to fruition. She has committed her life to Christ, always has a song on her lips, and dances to get to wherever she's going. Her desire is to work with horses and is constantly awestruck by this amazing creature.


Compassionate! This young lady wears her heart on her sleeve. She's a prayer warrior, thinking about the needs of others. Izy has committed her life to Christ and God continues to grow her in the knowledge of His word. She is fascinated by God's creation and makes friends with his creatures. Her patience and gentleness with animals (and insects) causes them to flock to her. Her desire is to be a veterinarian.


Outspoken and witty! This young lady knows how to get someone's attention. Her cheerful spirit will make you smile. As the youngest, she keeps us on our toes and constantly laughing. Every time we pass a cross she yells out, "Mom, Jesus died on the cross!" If you ask her "why?" she says, "for our sins". We are believing that this little girl will grow in God and serve Him all the days of her life!


Our Mission & Vision

The Dream...

 In early 2020 Tim had a dream…He’s had dreams all his life, dreams that would later come to fruition, but he never put them in the category of prophetic or label them from God.  He shared this vivid dream with me after he had it, but we just shrugged it off as…that’s interesting, maybe something big is coming.  He knew there was urgency to respond, but there was no fear.

In the dream…we,Tim and I, were standing on a beach; the girls were with us.  There was a class A motorhome parked on the beach behind us. It was his parent’s motorhome, but we were camping with it.  There were thousands of people standing on the beach staring at the water in shock and awe. Noticing the crowd’s reaction, Tim turned to gaze at the water and saw a monstrous, hugenormous, massive, gigantic, wave coming on shore.  This wasn’t just any large wave… this wave was larger than any reported tsunami.  He was confused as to why the crowd remained as spectators.  He quickly turned to me and said, “We gotta get in the camper and go!”

The Comfortable Life...


We were “comfortable”… having lived in the same location for 7 years, serving faithfully in our church, Tim owning a successful business, Kim enjoying her job at the girl’s school, and the girls were growing and thriving…we were “comfortable”. Tim had grown the business over the past 5 years, clients were returning, and God kept it up and running through various storms; Hurricane Irma, Red Tide, the big “C”. God was faithful and we kept pressing on. When we first had Jessi, Kim was able to stay home with her and volunteer at the girl’s school. After about a year and a half, she was brought on full-time as an instructional coach and loved her position. We continued to serve in these different roles until God began shifting our gears!

The Shift Begins...

The big “C” hits the world and Tim is reminded of the dream.  We think, “Is this the wave?” It doesn’t resonate with Tim’s spirit that this would be the wave because he didn’t have fear in the dream, just a sense of urgency. However, during the strict quarantine season, March 2020-July 2020, we were reflecting on life and how Jesus calls us to live. We asked ourselves many questions about our lifestyle, business, careers, parenting, schooling, ministry, etc.

Time to Shift Gears...

Over the course of the next year, God shifted our gears. He was tugging on our hearts to surrender. It was a journey of pressing in and seeking his prescription for our family.  We asked Him what he desired for us to do for Him.  We knew there was more, we knew He had something different in store for us, we knew He was calling us to something big. So, gear by gear, God shifted and confirmed that we had to “get in the camper and go!”

Our Partners

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