Body of Christ - SD

Strengthening Your Relationship with God

Body of Christ - South Dakota

Located in the heart of the Black Hills of South Dakota, Body of Christ Ministries of SD is a wonderful Christ-Centered ministry.  We discovered them in August of 2021 while we were boondocking in the forest near the town of Custer. What caught our eye was their flyer that read “Fun Fellowship in a Christ-centered Setting”. It was a retreat scheduled for Sept. 3-6, this was later than we’d planned on staying, but we wanted to research what it was about anyway.  We immediately googled Black Granite Retreat and read the entire website, the mission, statement of faith, and heart of Pat and Ginger.  We knew we had to be attendance.    To learn more about our experience at the Black Granite Retreat that year click here.

“In their hearts humans plan their course, but the LORD establishes their steps.” Proverbs 16:9


Pat and Ginger have since become more than friends we concider them family!  We spent the entire summer of 2022 on their property preparing the ranch for the retreat that year.  They also teach a biblical citizenship class several times a year as well as are actively working in their community to break down division in the church.  If you feel Lord is leading you to link arms with them as please contact them through the links on this page.  And don’t forget to tell them Kim and Tim sent you! the mission, statement of faith, and heart of Pat and Ginger.  


Their Mission

Jesus is reconciling humans to God, to each other, and to the entire creation.  He is breaking down divisions between Jew and Gentile, slave and free, male and female. He is tearing down walls that separate His church.  Therefore, we are committed to providing a safe place for spiritual growth; and dedicated to providing opportunities for the entire Body of Christ to gather, fellowship, and encourage one another.

1 Corinthians 1:10-13; 1 Cor. 12:13, 27; Galatians 3:28; Mark 3:24, 9:40; 2 Corinthians 5:18-19


Be a Part:


To contribute financially please contact Pat directly at the information provided below


There are always projects going on at the ranch in preparation for the annual retreat that they always need help with.


email: phone: (307) 359-9398


Retreat Info:

The retreat is held annually just outside of Custer SD.  For more information or to sign up for next years retreat visit:


Is the Lord shifting you to a life of service?  Do you feel called to be an encouragement to other believers?  Take time to pray about it and reach out to us to pray with you. 

Click below to get in touch with us…