Where in Idaho?

Kim / September 15, 2021 / testimonials

Walking by faith...

We find ourselves in Idaho?

Back in February Tim and I had finally received confirmation from the Lord to surrender all and obey His command to go! We didn’t have any other details, but knew, without a doubt, we had to obey and He would lay out the details as we took the first step. 

My family and I were attending a tent revival event on our way to Georgia for Spring Break.  Throughout the day I had been encouraging one of my friends to pray through some things for a breakthrough.  During the evening session there was an invitation.  I looked at my friend, raised my eyebrows, and said “come on”.  We walked to the front for prayer.  Two ladies laid hands on and prayed for my sweet friend and she received breakthrough!  Praise God! 

After they were done praying for her, they looked at me. “Do you need prayer?” they asked. “I always want prayer!” I responded.  They inquired about what was on my heart.  I shared that we just got the confirmation to sell everything and head out in our camper, but didn’t have any other direction. 

Both ladies prayed for me and afterward one of them looked at me and said something.  It was so loud in the tent that I didn’t hear her.  I was going to just brush it off, but thought I better ask… I said, “What did you say?” She said, “Not while we were praying, but while you were talking about direction, Idaho popped into my head.” I said, “IDAHO?!” The other lady said, “Take that to your prayer closet.” I chuckled with, “Oh, I will definitely take that to my prayer closet!”

I was thinking, “really?” we are in SW Florida and… Idaho?

However, over the next several months Idaho kept popping up in conversation. I would share this story with someone and they’d have something to say about Idaho. From friends having dreams about Idaho, to potatoes ;), to friends looking into missionary bicycle events in Idaho. It was crazy! It’s not like “Idaho” is a popular vocabulary word used in SW Florida. My eyes and ears were tuned in to anything “Idaho”. 

So I kept asking God… do we head to Idaho?

At the crossroads in our trip (Kentucky) we discussed whether to head to Idaho now while the weather is still decent or wait until next season.  I told Tim that I wasn’t willing to wait an entire year to see if the Lord had something for us there so…

Walking by faith, we headed west!

God has confirmed all along the way that we’ve been traveling in the right direction; from being able to stay on an old friend’s property in Illinois, to seeing my parents again in Iowa, then experiencing 3 God encounters in Mitchell, SD, across the state to the divine appointments He had for us in the Black Hills!  

Not sure what He has for us here, but we are so excited to have crossed the border into this beautiful state and are waiting on Him!

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.”

Proverbs 3:5-6